Leaving prostitution - a strategy for help and support

Consultation opened on 10 September 2015. Closing date 23 October 2015.


Section 19 of the Human Trafficking and Exploitation (Criminal Justice and Support for Victims) Act (Northern Ireland) 2015 came into operation in Northern Ireland on 14th January 2015. It requires DHSSPS, along with other Northern Ireland Government departments, to prepare and publish a strategy that will outline the actions to be taken by departments to ensure that a 'Programme of Assistance and Support' (PAS) is in place for people who wish to leave prostitution.


Consultation description

DHSSPS has developed a Strategy, which includes information on what format the PAS is likely to take. This consultation sought your views on the proposed Strategy and how it might be improved. The consultation opened on 11 September and closed on 23 October 2015.

Consultation responses

The Department received 15 responses to the consultation within the consultation period.

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