This consultation seeks your views on draft guidance on sharing information for child protection purposes. This is non-statutory guidance for HSCTs which, along with regional procedural guidance and information sharing protocols developed by the SBNI between its member agencies, will provide a framework for staff working in child protection to be able to confidently share information in a timely and effective way. The guidance will replace HSS Circular 3/96 (Revised) – Sharing to Safeguard – September 2008 (amended May 2009).
Consultation description
The guidance seeks to describe the legal framework within which the sharing of personal information for child protection purposes takes place and by which it is facilitated; establish clear principles which apply to the sharing of personal information for child protection purposes; provide guidance on the sharing of personal information to and from agencies and practitioners who are engaged in work with children and with other third parties for child protection purposes; distinguish information sharing for child protection purposes from information sharing for wider public protection purposes; and identify other relevant information documents.
Guidance on Information Sharing for Child Protection Purposes
Equality Screening, Disability Duties and Human Rights Assessment
Freedom of Information and Data Protection
The information you provide in your response to this consultation, excluding personal information, may be published or disclosed under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA). If you want the information that you provide to be treated as confidential, please tell us why, but be aware that, under the FOIA, we cannot guarantee confidentiality.
Anonymised comments may be published on the Department of Health website and in a resulting report on the consultation. If you are replying on behalf of an organisation, only the name of the organisation will feature in the report. If you do not want the name of your organisation to be published, please let us know.
Any personal information submitted will be handled in accordance with GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018
For more information on how the Department handles personal information please see the Departmental Privacy Notice
Ways to respond
Consultation closed — responses are no longer being accepted.