Equality Impact Assessment of the 2024-25 Budget Outcome

Consultation opened on 06 June 2024. Closing date 29 August 2024.


The 2024-25 Budget was announced by the Finance Minister on the 25th April 2024. The Budget provides the Resource and Capital investment funding allocations to departments for the 2024-25 financial year. The Department of Health’s Equality Impact Assessment document provides an Equality Impact Assessment of the 2024-25 Budget Outcome for the Department, and we are seeking your comments on the equality implications. The Department has also published a Rural Needs Impact Assessment on the budget.


Consultation description

Budget 2024-25

The announcement of the Budget 2024-25 triggered the need for the Department of Health to complete equality screening and, if applicable, an Equality Impact Assessment on their budget allocation.

The consultation document sets out the Department’s assessment of the 2024-25 Budget Outcome for the Department and the potential impact on service delivery, patients, and clients.

It sets out, at a strategic level, the steps the Department is taking in order to continue to deliver its functions and protect the safety of patients, clients and other services users and those measures that may be necessary in order for the Department to contain its spending within the limits set. 

2024-25 Budget Equality Assessment

The Department of Health’s Equality Impact Assessment document provides an Equality Impact Assessment of the 2024-25 Budget Outcome.

The Department welcomes comments on any potential equality implications arising from the 2024-25 Budget and will consider whether any further mitigating actions can be implemented in light of responses received during the consultation. To facilitate this consideration early responses would be appreciated.

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