Draft Budget 22-25 Equality Impact Assessment Consultation

Consultation opened on 04 February 2022. Closing date 28 March 2022.


The Executive’s Draft Budget 2022-25 consultation was announced by the Finance Minister on 13 December 2021. The Draft Budget provides the proposed Resource and Capital investment funding allocations to departments for the 2022-25 financial years. The Department of Health’s Equality Impact Assessment document provides an Equality Impact Assessment of the 2022-25 Draft Budget Outcome for the Department and we are seeking your comments on the equality implications.


Consultation description

Consultation on the 2022-25 Draft Budget EQIA

This consultation is now paused due to the recent developments with the NI Executive. 

Draft Budget 2022-25

The announcement of the consultation of the Draft Budget 2022-25 triggered the commencement of a Department of Finance (DoF) led public consultation on the Draft Budget, which will close on 7 March 2022. A copy of the Executive’s Draft Budget 2022-25 can be accessed on the DoF website

2022-25 Draft Budget Equality Assessment

The Department of Health’s Equality Impact Assessment document provides an Equality Impact Assessment of the 2022-25 Draft Budget Outcome.

The Department is seeking comments on any potential equality implications arising from the proposed draft Budget for 2022-25 and will consider the need for any further mitigating actions in light of responses received during the consultation.

No decisions have been made by the Minister in terms of the allocation of the Department’s budget, this will occur in line with the Final Budget being agreed by the Executive.

Comments on the Departments Draft Budget 2022-25 Equality Impact Assessment can be submitted by email.

Email your responses:  Budget2022-25response@health-ni.gov.uk

To meet the DoF consultation deadline responses need to be received by 7 March 2022 however the Department of Health will continue to consider responses received up to 28 March 2022 at 5.00pm.

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