Diabetes Strategic Framework Consultation

Consultation opened on 08 March 2016. Closing date 31 May 2016.


The Diabetes Strategic Framework and Implementation Plan reflects the findings, conclusions and recommendations of the review of diabetes services, which was published in June 2014. DHSSPS is seeking the views of the public and stakeholders on the Diabetes Strategic Framework.


Consultation description

The closing date for responses is 5pm on Tuesday 31st of May 2016.

In Northern Ireland there are 85,000 adults aged 17 and over living with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes.  It is estimated that approximately 90% of these are living with Type 2 diabetes which is mainly preventable. The rise in the prevalence of diabetes impacts across our health and social care system.  People living with diabetes are at risk of developing health problems which, if not prevented or detected early enough, can have serious repercussions.  These can include renal disease, blindness, cardiovascular disease and lower limb amputation.

It has been estimated that the UK currently spends 10% of the health and social care budget on the treatment of diabetes and its complications, equivalent to about £1 million daily in the context of Northern Ireland.  

The Diabetes Strategic Framework and Implementation Plan sets out the strategic direction for services for people living with diabetes and for prevention of Type 2 diabetes over the next 10 years. The Framework is based around 7 key themes which reflect the challenges identified in the 2014 diabetes review report. 

The Framework sets out a new model of care that is partnership based and which promotes an innovative approach to how diabetes services are planned and delivered to maximise health outcomes and minimise the risk of developing complications.  It also promotes a public health approach to primary prevention of Type 2 diabetes which is aligned to the Department’s ‘Making Life Better’ Strategic Framework for Public Health and ‘A Fitter Future for All’ the obesity prevention framework.  

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