The Department is consulting on the equality impact assessment of proposals for a new regional management structure for pathology services within Northern Ireland (NI) in the form of a new HSC agency, being taken forward by the Pathology Blueprint Programme. In particular, we are keen to ensure that these proposals are fair and do not present barriers to participation or disadvantage any individual or group.
This form will be active for 13 weeks (effective 17 December 2024)
Once feedback has been collected and collated, and any further impacts identified, it will be shared with the Minister
- Pathology Blueprint Programme EQIA - Consultation Document
- Pathology Blueprint Programme EQIA - Annex A - Letter from SRO
- Pathology Blueprint Programme EQIA - Annex C - Equality Screening document
Consultation description
We are seeking your views on the equality implications of the proposed new regional governance arrangements for pathology services in NI. We wish to ensure that we have identified all potential impacts of the new arrangements, as well as a consideration of appropriate mitigations.
Please complete the survey by clicking the 'Respond Online' button below.
This consultation is open to the public and we are keen to hear from anyone with an interest in pathology services in NI.