Consultation on Northern Ireland Firefighters’ Pension Scheme Retrospective Remedy

Consultation opened on 26 April 2023. Closing date 21 June 2023.


The Department of Health is undertaking a consultation to seek views on draft proposed scheme regulations for the NI Firefighters’ Pension Scheme required to implement the second phase of the McCloud remedy


Consultation description

The Department consulted on the first set of amendments to implement the first phase (Prospective Remedy) of the McCloud Judgement in December 2021 and now welcomes views on the second set of draft regulations to implement the second phase (Retrospective Remedy) of the judgement for the Firefighters Pension Scheme.  This consultation document sets out the background to the second phase of the remedy and an explanation of legislative and policy changes required to implement it.

The Public Service Pensions and Judicial Offices Act (PSPJOA) 2022 provides an overarching framework to allow public service pension schemes to remedy the impact of unlawful age discrimination.  That discrimination arose due to certain transitional arrangements put in place when public service pension schemes (including the firefighters’ schemes) were reformed between 2014 and 2016.  The second phase of the remedy, the retrospective remedy, is to remedy the discrimination that had taken place between 1 April 2015 and 31 March 2022.

This consultation on the Firefighters’ Pension Scheme seeks responses from interested parties on the draft regulations needed to enact the second phase of the remedy, as set out in the PSPJOA 2022.

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