The Department of Health is responsible for leading and co-ordinating action on Northern Ireland’s new substance use strategy. The new strategy “Making Life Better – Preventing Harm and Empowering Recovery: A Strategic Framework to Tackle the Harm from Substance Use” - is open for public consultation from 30 October 2020. We would very much welcome your views on what is contained within this new strategy.
- Making Life Better – Preventing Harm & Empowering Recovery: A Strategic Framework to Tackle the Harm from Substance Use - A Consultation Document
- Easy read version
- Questionnaire
- Preventing Harm, Empowering Recovery - Equality Screening Assessment
- Rural Impact Assessment Screening
Consultation description
The current strategy – the New Strategic Direction for Alcohol & Drugs Phase 2 (NSD Phase 2) – has been in place since 2012. A review report looked at its outcomes, outputs, and recorded stakeholder views on how successful this has been. Taking on board the outcomes from the review, a pre-consultation exercise took place in 2019 on what should be contained within a new substance use strategy.
This was followed by the development of this consultation document on a co-production basis with involvement from key stakeholders including; the community and voluntary sector; service users; health professionals; academics; and key government departments and agencies.
The Closing Date for responses has been extended to Friday 26 February 2021.
Ways to respond
Consultation closed — responses are no longer being accepted.