Following publication of the Bamford Review report, A Comprehensive Legislative Framework and consultation on the Department's proposal, A Legislative Framework for Mental Capacity and Mental Health Legislation, the Minister in September 2009 announced his intention of preparing a single Bill encompassing mental capacity and mental health provisions.
- Equality Impact Assessment for new Mental Capacity Legislation
- Equality Impact Assessment for new Mental Capacity Legislation - Easy-read version
- Analysis of Responses to Mental Capacity (Health, Welfare and Finance) Bill: Equality Impact Assessment
- Mental Capacity (Health, Welfare and Finance) Bill: Equality Impact Assessment: Common Questions arising
Consultation description
The purpose of this Equality Impact Assessment is to measure the impact that the Department's policy proposals in the single Bill may have on section 75 groups (Northern Ireland Act 1998). This paper aims firstly to set out in summary form the key policy proposals which the Department has developed; and secondly, to identify any impact that such proposals might have.
The policy proposals have yet to be approved by the Minister and the Executive and the responses to the consultation on this EQIA will inform their final decisions.
Consultation Responses
The consultation period on the Mental Capacity (Health, Welfare and Finance) Bill: Equality Impact Assessment closed on 31 October 2010. In total, 36 responses were received.
Ways to respond
Consultation closed — responses are no longer being accepted.