The Department of Health is undertaking a consultation on the commencement of provisions under the Mental Capacity Act (Northern Ireland) 2016 related to “Acts of Restraint”. The consultation will run from 9th September 2024 to 1st December 2024 at 17.00.
- Consultation Document - Commencement of provisions under the Mental Capacity Act (NI) 2016 relating to Acts of Restraint
- Consultation Response Document - Commencement of provisions under the Mental Capacity Act (NI) 2016 relating to Acts of Restraint
- Draft Rural Needs Impact Assessment for Commencement of Provisions under the Mental Capacity Act (NI) 2016 related to Acts of Restraint
- Draft Acts of Restraint Code of Practice
- Consultation Report and Response - Commencement of provisions under the Mental Capacity Act (NI) 2016 relating to Acts of Restraint
Consultation description
The Department is seeking stakeholder views in relation to the commencement of provisions under the Mental Capacity Act (Northern Ireland) 2016 related to “Acts of Restraint”, namely within sections 9(4)(a) and 12, and an accompanying Code of Practice. The provisions relate to safeguards that must be in place and protection from liability for a person doing an act in relation to a person, aged 16 and over, who lacks capacity to consent to the act and the Code of Practice offers guidance to those working with persons who lack, or may lack, capacity in relation to acts of restraint.
The Department welcomes any comments or views on the proposals set out in this document. Comments can be submitted by completing the Online Survey
We would prefer responses using Citizen Space, however, if you wish to send an email or hard copy of your response you should complete the consultation response form and submit your response using the correspondence details below.
Ways to respond
Consultation closed — responses are no longer being accepted.