The Department of Health is seeking views on the recommendations arising from the Children’s Oral Health Improvement Plan and Older Person’s Oral Health Improvement Plan.
- Letter from Ms Caroline Lappin, Chief Dental Officer - Oral Health Improvement Plans for Children and Older Person’s in Northern Ireland
- Consultation Document
- Equality Screening
- Rural Needs Assessment
- Privacy Notice
- Northern Ireland Childrens Oral Health Improvement Plan - August 2023
- Northern Ireland Older Persons Oral Health Improvement Plan - August 2023
- Consultation Summary and Analysis Report Oral Health Improvement Plans - July 2024
Consultation description
We are inviting you to share your views to ensure we are taking the right approach to children’s and older persons oral health in Northern Ireland to best serve their needs and improve the oral health of the population of Northern Ireland. We would be particularly keen to hear from:
- those with lived experience of children’s dental services both in general dental practice and in HSC dental clinics
- those with lived experience of older person’s dental services both in general dental practice and in HSC dental practice
- organisations that provide support to children and older persons
- frontline healthcare professionals
- school teachers, classroom assistants, care assistants, care home managers
- academics and researchers
- the general public
Ways to respond
Consultation closed — responses are no longer being accepted.