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2513 publications

This statistical release presents information on waiting times for admission for inpatient or day case treatment in Northern Ireland.

Published 29 February 2024Statistical reports

Presents information on waiting times at the end of each quarter for a diagnostic service and diagnostic reporting turnaround times.

Published 29 February 2024Statistical reports

"Health and Wellbeing 2026: Delivering Together” outlined how pharmacists would work as an integral part of the general practice team using their skills and experience to improve patient outcomes, improve the safety of prescribing through medication reviews and reco

Published 28 February 2024Development plan/framework

DoH written and oral Ministerial announcements and statements for 2024

Published 27 February 2024Speeches and statements

Letters and advice on the regulation of medicines issued 2024

Published 27 February 2024Correspondence

Presents quarterly information collected from health and social care (HSC) trusts on the number of and the amount paid by direct payments, broken down by HSC trust and client group.

Published 23 February 2024Statistical reports

A quarterly summary of HSC staff by organisation and staff group including summary of 5 year trends.

Published 21 February 2024Statistical reports

A quarterly publication of HSC vacancies actively being recruited to by staff group and HSC organisation, and also including trend information.

Published 21 February 2024Statistical reports

Partnership Agreement

Published 21 February 2024Policy papers

Information on the number of residential and nursing care packages in effect is collected from health and social care trusts on a quarterly basis. The number of care packages in effect are presented for the quarter ending September each year. 

Published 19 February 2024Statistical reports

External financial guidance issued by DoH to the Health and Social Care bodies (HSC) and Arm’s Length Bodies (ALBs)

Published 19 February 2024Correspondence

This publication presents information on the number of children on the child protection register at the end of each quarter by age, gender, category of abuse, legal status and duration on the register.

Published 15 February 2024Statistical reports

Privacy Notice

Published 15 February 2024Notices

This quarterly report presents the total number of children and adolescents referred to mental health services who are waiting for their initial assessment by the Children and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS), broken down by time waiting and HSC Trust.

Published 14 February 2024Statistical reports

Presents information on the time spent waiting in emergency care departments in Northern Ireland for both new and unplanned review attendances, and reports on the performance of against the ministerial target in Northern Ireland.

Published 13 February 2024Statistical reports

In fulfilling its obligations under Section 75 the Department is required to equality screen all of its policies and services under consideration to determine whether they should be subject to a full equality impact.

Published 12 February 2024Statistical reports


Published 08 February 2024Policy papers


Published 08 February 2024Notices


Published 08 February 2024Notices

Minister letter to HSC

Published 08 February 2024Correspondence

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